Inspirational Fridays
Follow the Dream
This first episode talks about my own journey from an auditor to a painter, in pursuit of a surreal desire. I’m sharing how I made a switch and what are the key 4 steps I’m following to live the life I desire.
My Journey
I started to paint when I was 29. Before I was working for big corporations as auditor. I have master degree in economics. So how did it all start? It started in Barcelona where I moved in 2011. After moving here I started to feel an incredible and overwhelming desire to paint. At the beginning this desire was totally surreal to me. I was never considering myself a creative person, I’ve never painted anything before. Art was an unknown field for me. Initially I was ignoring this desire. I didn’t even know where to start. But it was coming back to me over and over agin and it became so intense that I couldn’t ignore it anymore. I painted my first painting. It felt like magic. I loved the experience. For the first time I felt so deeply connected to myself. I soon understood that painting is my true vocation. I took a year and a half sabbatical at work and started to work on my art business and painting skills.
I was imagining this period as very creative, full of discoveries, fruitful and really joyful. But it wasn’t like that at all.
Beginning Full of Frustrations
Beginning was full of frustrations, doubts, anxiety and stress. How did I move this black hole of negative thoughts, self doubt into someone who’s at peace with myself? Right now I’m full of happiness and joy. I’m also very satisfied with what I have. What I want to say here is that your reality is not determining your happiness.
4 Steps to Happy Life
I believe that happiness is a state of mind. Here are four steps that I’m following in order to live joyous, happy life and to connect to my full potential 1. Pay attention to my thoughts and emotions; 2. Deliberately choose thoughts that serve me. Deliberately change the negative thoughts I’m having into something positive; 3. Choose to do what gives me pleasure and satisfaction; 4. Focus on positive aspects of my life and to appreciate them. These steps completely transformed my life and following them allows me to put so much joy into what I’m doing. What was the most interesting for you? Are you dreaming about something but it seems too big and scary? What would you do today if nothing was holding you back? I’d love to hear from you below in the comments. Thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you in the episode 2.
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I’m an abstract painter with the mission to inspire joy and awaken human spirit.