Inspirational Fridays
2015 Lessons
End of 2015 gave me a huge lesson. What I considered a gift was becoming a spell (here). I was lost.
And then I’ve learned that I wasn’t lost, I was just looking the wrong way…
This experience taught me that:
- Looking for happiness outside makes me feel disconnected, confused, frustrated, anxious and unsatisfied
- Listening to others advising me on my problems distracts, confuses and makes me feel unbalanced.
- I very quickly forget about little successes and always want more. This happens when my ego takes the lead.
- All negativity and frustrating desires of my ego melt down, when I’m connected to my inner divine part.
- Unhappiness comes from my thoughts (not for the situation itself).
- I’m ME not my thoughts and not my ego.
- Freedom, harmony, peace and happiness comes from inside. No-one and nothing can provide it to me.
- Being aware of NOW disentangles the past and enlightens the future.
- Listening to myself is easy when I pay careful attention.
I’ve also learned to enjoy little moments. And my favourite moment of 2015 was: trying on wedding dresses!
2016 Resolution
This year my only resolution is to be FREE. Free from the past and free from the future. I want to pay careful attention to the exact moment of now. To enjoy my life just as it is, and to look from inside out. Look with the eyes of my true self.
Elkhart Tolle says: “Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.”
Cause only when we carefully pay attention to the present moment we live our live consciously. Being in NOW is switching off the autopilot and enjoying what you have.
Do you sometimes go through your life on an autopilot? Me too! But I want to be more present and live consciously.
I’m a wife, mum and an abstract painter with the mission to inspire and awaken human spirit.